Introducing Amrita Rachel Pandyan, Product Manager at Planes

3 min readMay 24, 2022

What is your role and current job?

I’m a Senior Product Manager at a product studio called Planes. We work with lots of different people to turn their ideas into digital products like apps or websites. I’ve had the chance to work with a whole range of companies and product teams — agency life is an amazing way to learn.

How did you get into tech?

I fell into it! I signed up to an internship with minimal expectations but my time on a technology summer programme showed me just how important a good product development process is to making a real difference to people’s digital (and otherwise) experiences. Before then, I didn’t really know what I could do with my skill set. Now you can’t drag me away from it 🌚

What have the biggest challenges been as a woman or non-binary person in tech?

I feel like my biggest challenge has been finding my own style. My dad is absolutely awesome at just being 100% himself at work and it’s something I’ve always admired but trying to do it for myself has been a struggle. You often feel super ‘other’ or ‘alone’ when you express a different voice, approach or opinion to the rest of the room — which is often the case when you have a very different upbringing or background. It’s a constant challenge of mine to not shy away from the moments when I bring myself to the table and feel a little vulnerable, but those moments are usually when I’m the most proud of myself.

Have you overcome any of these issues? If so, how?

Finding a ragtag community of badass product people!!! I’m lucky to have some pretty incredible souls in my aura — both at Planes and in my friendships. Having a safe space to bounce ideas off, share my ideas and even just a sounding board has helped me center myself and (being honest) build my confidence.

What advice would you give others in a similar position?

GET YOURSELF A NETWORK. People tell you all the time to get coaching or a mentor, but it’s actually quite tough to do and often to do with who you know. What’s super easy, and equally effective, is creating meaningful relationships with people just like you with the same aspirations. It could start with a networking event, or going for a coffee with someone at your work, or even asking your friends if they know anyone you could connect with. My peer network has driven me to some of my best successes at work — and my best friends outside of work.

Are there any resources you recommend sharing?

My favourite favourite favourite newsletter is called Dense Discovery, by Kai Brach. Is it strictly tech? Who knows. Through it I’ve discovered so many resources that encourage even more lateral thinking around tech, and the societal impact of the changes we’re making. I think whether you’re a Product Manager, Designer or Developer, we always need to keep one eye open on how what we’re doing will impact the world in 1, 2, 10 years time.

Also, if you’re looking for another network, Beyond Her is budding and I’ve so enjoyed the events I’ve attended with them.

When did you first hear about Triangirls?

Our People Lead (all around legend) Sophie Aspden has her fingers in all of the pies and introduced you to us a while ago. I was lucky enough to attend your latest event and came out feeling all sorts of inspired.

What have you learnt about yourself in the past year?

That I don’t have to overcompensate with hard work for things. I have a bad habit of letting work take over and have since learned that the less room I have to be creative or to learn, the worse my work is. Being in tech is all about being curious and creative. Giving myself space to breathe has opened up a whole other side of product for me!

If anyone wanted to reach out to say hello or connect to kick off building their network I would be so happy to chat :)

